Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings
Beginning January 2025, meetings will be held at the City of Colwood Council Chambers located at 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood BC, V9C 1R1. The meeting will be available via Zoom and will be livestreamed through the City of Colwood’s Civic Web Portal. The City of Langford will make every effort to post meeting information for residents.
At the Regular Council Meeting held Monday, January 13, 2025, the City of Langford Council adopted the Joint Accessibility Plan created by the Committee. Next steps for the plan include approval by all member municipalities’ Councils, accessible document design and creation, and publishing for public viewing.
Langford’s approved PDF document is available to view. NOTE: This document is not the final Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee Joint Accessibility Plan.
If you have any questions about the Plan, or Committee, please email

Legislation Overview:
In 2021, the Province of British Columbia passed the Accessible BC Act requiring municipalities to develop a plan that addresses accessibility to municipal services, programs, and infrastructure. Everyone will experience permanent, temporary, or episodic impairments over their lifetime either personally, or through caring for someone else. By focusing on accessibility, we can work towards becoming a municipality where every person is able to participate fully and equally and is empowered to pursue the life they wish to live.

AccessAbility Week
Each year National AccessAbility Week begins on the last Sunday of May, bringing awareness to the importance of accessibility across Canada. This year’s theme is “Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All,” encouraging Canadians to come together and create a barrier-free country, celebrating our diversity. Educational opportunities are available throughout the week from organizations such as the Rick Hansen Foundation for those who wish to learn more about accessibility and inclusivity. The City of Langford is proud to participate in National AccessAbility Week as we work to ensure the unique needs of Langford’s residents and visitors are met.
The Accessible BC Act identifies eight standards for inclusion in a long-term Plan. The first iteration of our Plan will focus on the first two of those standards: Employment and Service Delivery. It will take time to eliminate barriers, however the Plan is the first step in identifying how we can improve accessibility going forward.
The Plan must be reviewed and updated every three years and will incorporate information gathered through multiple public engagement opportunities. Opportunities will be advertised on this page as they are scheduled.
The Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee is pleased to share the results of recent surveys and public engagement opportunities:
Survey #1 – Accessibility Engagement

Accessibility committee
An initial Accessibility Committee comprised of staff from partner municipalities, including City of Langford was formed in late 2023. In 2025, the Committee will function as a citizen-representative based model.
Each member municipality will appoint one (1) member to the Committee for a two-year term. Interested in joining the Committee? This volunteer opportunity will be advertised on this page, through the City’s social media channels, and in the local newspaper.
Public participation and feedback
A critical part of developing, monitoring, and updating the Accessibility Plan is receiving valuable feedback from people experiencing barriers. While the first term of the Plan is internally focused, public input is always welcomed and appreciated. Sharing your experiences in or interacting with the municipality will help us to identify barriers and improve accessibility for all people.
We invite your feedback in the following ways:
Email: | Phone: 250-478-7882
Deliver Comments: 2nd Flor – 877 Goldstream Avenue