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Blasting: 1324 Langshire Road (Expires August, 2022)




790 Industrial Way
Victoria, B.C. V9B 6E2


February 8, 2022



Description of work to be done: Drilling and Blasting, for the new Industrial Park, to underside of finished grade. (As per plan)

Drilling and  Blasting will occur at: 1324 Langshire Road

Blasting will commence: February 09, 2022

Estimated duration of  project: Approximately six (6) month

Hours of Blasting:              Monday through Thursday: 8:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.

(No blasting on Saturdays, Sundays or Statutory Holidays)

List of  methods intended to be use d to safeguard  persons and property:

I . Blasting signs

2.Blasting signals : As below

3. Warning signals will be as follows:

    • Twelve (12) short whistles, followed by a pause of up to 2 minutes
    • Blast will be detonated
    • A long whistle indicates all is clear

4. blasting mats are required

City of Langford:  250-478 -7882

Contact Name: Pete Mc Brid e Western Grater Contracting Ltd. 250-478-4225

Independent Survey Company : Coast Claims Insurance Services, 250-893-0355 or 250-386-3111


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