Blasting: Centre Mountain (Expires April, 2022)
HHS Drilling & Blasting Ltd.
April 18, 2022
Description of work to be done: Blasting – Centre Mountain
Estimated duration of project: For one week
Hours of Blasting: Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(No blasting Saturdays, Sundays or Statutory Holidays)
The blast locations have proper blasting signage at all appropriate locations surrounding the sites.
For each blast, there will be the following blast signals:
- Before the blast, 12 blasts of a horn
- A two minute pause
- Blast detonated
- A long whistle indicates all is clear
- Blasting mats will cover all blasts
- Seismographs will be used to monitor vibration
City of Langford: 250-478-7882
Contact Name: Dave Purnell 250-727-1752
Independent Survey Company : Lloyd’s Underwriters 250-388-5555