Business licences
The City of Langford has a vibrant and diverse economy. Obtaining a business licence in Langford is a fairly quick and simple process.
Applicants are encouraged to review the licence application form in detail, and ensure all required documentation is provided with the application. The business licensing process does not start until payment has been made, and all documentation is received.
Home based businesses have the option to select an inter-municipal licence which allows business owners to conduct business in municipalities throughout Greater Victoria, with Langford as your home base.
As of May 1, 2024, the Province of British Columbia’s new rules for short-term rentals will be in effect. Among these new regulations is a requirement that short-term rental hosts display a valid business license on their listing in areas where a business licence is required by the local government. The City of Langford does not currently require a business license for short-term rentals. For updated information on short-term rentals, please visit: New rules for short-term rentals – Province of British Columbia (
Additional information on the application process and payment options can be found below in the Overview section.
For all inquiries regarding the business licence process, or to follow up on the status of your application, please email:

Starting a business, made easy
The City of Langford utilizes BizPaL as one of the ways businesses can access information and streamline the process of starting a business. BizPaL is an innovative online service that allows business clients to easily generate a customized list of the permits and licences they require from three levels of government – local, provincial and federal – simply by providing some generic information about the business.
The information you need is available from a single source; entrepreneurs spend less time dealing with red tape – saving effort and money in the process – and more time building their business.