Bloom Market
Celebrate the long awaited arrival of spring at Bloom, a Made.Market. With over 30+ local artisans, food trucks and more, there’s something for the entire family. Come see what all the hype is about at The Langford Station, Saturday March 25, 10am-3pm!”
Hosted by Made.Markets: @made.markets
Vendors include:
Brooklyn Jade Designs @Brooklynjadedesigns_
Van Isle Macrame @vanislemacrame
Cedar Ave Candle Co @cedarave.candleco
Crunch & Co @crunchcotreats
Moonset Candles @moonset.candles
Lady Stardust Handbags @ladystardusthandbags
Juan De Fuca Cookies @juandefucacookies
Otter and Emma @otterandemma
Beeautiful Planet @beeautifulplanet
Cry Baby Workroom @crybaby_workroom
Teddy Little @teddy.little.apparel
Kisses To Go Tea &Co @kissestogoteaco
Wild Flower Dyes @wildflowerdyes
Sutton Michelle Designs @suttonmichelledesigns
Cool Kids on The Block @coolkids.on.theblock
Woodbrick Textiles @woodbricktextiles
Flower Face Farm @flowerfaceflowerfarm
July Swimwear @julyswimwear
The Stylish Goose @the_stylish_goose
Dot. Naturals @dot.naturals
Babka Bakery House @babka.bakery.house
Textile Edit @textile_edit
Honey Sips @honeysips
Jovi Studio @jovi.studio
Azariah Designs @azariahdesigns
The Grockery Store @thegrockerystore
Slow Sunday @slowsunday_____
Dorado @doradotheshop
Victoria Treasures @victoria.treasures
Antelia @antelia.shop
Mountaintop HandCrafts @mountaintophandcrafts
And, of course, the resident vendors will all be open!
Art by Deb @artbydebvanhattemkoff
Beth Partridge @bethpartridge and Maureen Elmer @maureen_elmer
Buddha Bear Letterpress @buddhabearpress
Bull & Sons @_bull_and_sons_deli_
Cutouts Canada @cutoutscanada
Hannmade Designs @hannmade21
Julie’s Delights Chocolates @juliedelightschocolates
Lillian Hutson Designs Inc @lhdbathxxbeauty
Margaux b. Pottery @margauxbpottery
MOTHER.lifestyle @mother.lifestyle
The Spinnacle Fibre Arts @thespinnacle
Way Cool Goods @waycoolgoods