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Dr. Avi Friedman: A Vision for Downtown Langford


You are invited to a unique opportunity to hear and ask questions of one of Canada’s premier urban thinkers.

The City of Langford is pleased to host a special virtual presentation by Dr. Avi Friedman, Professor of Architecture, McGill University, and author of the 2018 Vision Plan for Downtown Langford.

Dr. Friedman received his bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Town Planning from the Israel Institute of Technology, his Master’s degree from McGill University, and his Doctorate from the University of Montréal. In 1988, he co-founded the Affordable Homes Program at the McGill School of Architecture where he teaches. He also holds a Visiting Professor position in Lancaster University in the U.K. Avi is known for his housing innovation and for several demonstration projects. He’s the author of 25 books and a columnist for several media outlets. He is the principal of Avi Friedman Consultants Inc. and the recipient of numerous awards including the Manning Innovation Award, Lifetime Achievement Award from Sustainable Buildings Canada, and the World Habitat Award. He was named by Wallpaper magazine as 1 of 10 people from around the world “most likely to change the way we live.”

Dr. Friedman has been an invaluable resource for the City of Langford and his ideas and expertise have helped guide and shape the way that our city functions and thrives.


RSVP Required

Tickets include pastries and must be reserved in advance. Space is limited, so be sure to register early!

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Mar 05 2022


10:00 am - 11:30 am

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