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Take the 2025 City of Langford Budget Survey

The City of Langford’s 2025 budget survey is now live on LetsChatLangford. This is one of many opportunities for you to provide valuable input on how your tax dollars are spent and help shape the services and programs provided to the community. Your feedback is one of several important considerations Council will use to guide their decisions for the 2025 budget and beyond. A schedule of budget related meetings is posted on the City website, and on the project page.

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FireSmart At Solstice Park


We will be removing invasive plants and dead woody debris with Langford Fire and Parks departments to FIRESMART Solstice Park (AKA Rain Garden Park) in Langford, BC! This park is across the road from the Jordie Lunn Bike Park.

Come join us to learn about how to reduce wildfire risk, remove invasive plants and debris, and spend time in nature with the community!

Great opportunity to meet new people, learn about environmental issues and increase biodiversity 🙂

This activity will go on rain or shine.


  • Meet new people
  • Learn about local environmental issues
  • Improve your mental health in nature connecting with others
  • Get some exercise
  • Increase biodiversity
  • Get volunteer hours (if you need them)
  • Eat delicious snacks
  • Have fun!! 🙂 (even when it rains!)

First time coming out? Fill this out:
18 or under? Get your parent/guardian to fill this out:
You only ever have to fill this form out ONCE

Before you sign up, please make sure you are fully committed to participating. We ensure there is enough staff, buy refreshments and bring gloves/tools based on the number of people signed up.

By RSVPing and not showing up, or changing your RSVP at the last minute, you may be taking a spot away from someone who wants to participate. Let’s honour each other’s time and be considerate of one another.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may come up. If you can no longer attend, please update your RSVP right away.

Want to come early and help set up and/or stay a little longer and help with take down? Email

Solstice Park / “Rain Garden Park” is a new park located at the end of Solstice Crescent. Please meet us by the entrance to the park located nearest the address 1238 Solstice Crescent.

There is parking available at the parking lot at the corner or Irwin Rd and Creekside Trail.

Plan your bicycle route with CRD Bike Map
Covered bike parking available on site

Plan your bus route with BC Transit Victoria

Log in & use “comments” at the bottom of this page to say you need a ride or can offer a ride. You may also send us a message to include in an email to attendees.

Staff will not coordinate rides, they will only pass on the info that you are offering/looking for a ride.

Please ensure you communicate meeting points and times clearly and prioritize your safety. Community members who carpool do so at their own risk.

Staff cannot offer rides

The nearest washrooms are at 2990 Irwin Rd near the Rhino Coffee House


  • Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
  • Long sleeves and long pants to protect from thorny plants, & insects
  • Refillable water bottle with water (we have water for refills)
  • Sturdy closed toe shoes/boots
  • Rain jacket in case it rains
  • Hat
  • Your own gardening gloves, tools and/or safety glasses if you prefer – otherwise we’ll provide these.


  • Gloves, tools and safety glasses
  • Education and demonstration on what we will be doing (no experience necessary!)
  • Refreshments (e.g. baked goods, veggies, fruits, granola bars)
  • Photos of you in action
  • Volunteer letters (on request)

At 9.45am sign in, followed by instruction and engaging in this activity. Halfway through we’ll take a break, go back to engaging in the activity and then we end at 1pm

Huge thank you to our Community Investment Partner, the Langford Fire Rescue FireSmart Program for supporting us to run this activity! Their financial support and commitment to our shared goals enables us to promote environmental stewardship and community well-being

We acknowledge with respect and gratitude the traditional territories of the Songhees, W̱SÁNEĆ Nation, the Lekwungen speaking Songhees and Esquimalt peoples upon which land this activity will take place. For many generations, they have maintained a deep connection to the land, waters and all living things. As guests on this land, we are grateful for the opportunity to learn.



Mar 30 2025


9:45 am - 1:00 pm

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Solstice Park
1238 Solstice Crescent
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