Langford Lake Spring Fling Derby
It’s that time of the year again. Last years kids derby was such a huge success we have decided to make it an annual derby. We ended up raising just under 830$ last year for the BC Cancer Society which ended up at our local Lodge, “Vancouver Island Lodge – Canadian Cancer society” in honour of Glen Chwojka who lost his battle with cancer a few years ago.
The Canadian Cancer Society has teamed up with us on this event to help promote and fundraise money for the event to try to break last years amount.
Tickets will all be by donation again and all donations will be going to our Local lodge “Vancouver Island Lodge”. Tickets will be available April 28th in-store at these locations.
-Robinsons outdoor store 1307 Broad St
-Island Outfitters 1681A Island Hwy
-Langford Lake Boat launch 7-8 AM April 28th only
All participants will be required to sign a liability waiver and all children under 16 will require a parent/guardian signature.
Fish weigh ins on shore will be at these locations from 8AM-2:30PM:
-Langford Lake Beach on Leigh Plc
-The fishing dock by the YMCA
-The new dock on the trail by the water walkway
-The fishing dock at Kitty Le Quesne trail
Fish weigh ins on the water will be done by two separate boats on each side of the lake, starting at 8AM-2:30PM. They will have a Canadian flag hanging off the back of their boat to be identified.
We will be limiting prizes to 1 prize per guest. This is a Kids derby so most of the prizes are for the kids, HOWEVER we have gotten a few for you adults too that you will like. They’re will be a few random prize draws, hidden weight prize, and of course a heaviest trout for youth and adults. Here are some of the categories to look forward too along with the random giveaways and few other prizes.
-Heaviest trout ages 19+
-Heaviest trout ages 13-18
-Heaviest trout ages 12 and under
-Mystery Draw for all kids under 16
-Adults smallest trout.
There will also be a Fly Casting seminar at the Langford Lake beach Park held by “Zak Davis” from Robinsons Outdoor Store from 12-2pm and he will also be tying flys for fly fishing with kids one on one throughout the day at the same location. Zak is a phenomenal teacher in both casting and tying so it should be a great time.
There will be another fly tying station going throughout the day for kids to learn to tie flys at the other end of the lake. This will be located at the new family dock on the trail by the water walkway. This will be held by “Finley Dodge” a very avid fly fisherman and fly tyer.
The end ceremonies will be held at the same location as last year “Langford Lake Beach Park” at the end of Leigh Plc for 4:30pm the same day.
Event parking will be of course around the lake and the “Event overflow Parking” for the City of Langford which is located at the top of “West Shore Parkway” on the right hand side by the roundabout. We ask people to please not park in the YMCA parking lot.
This should be a fun time just like last year! This could only be done by the help of all of our sponsors and the community coming together again to host a great day for all the kids of Southern Vancouver Island.
Special thanks to our Volunteers and our business sponsors:
Robinsons outdoor store, Island Outfitters, Kotanko Leather co., BCTFG, Pats Premium Flys, Vancouver Island Fishing For Fun Society, Memorial Tattoo Parlour, and so many more personal sponsors!
Thank you everyone and can’t wait to see all the happy smiling faces!
Sincerely your host,
Nikeifer Kotanko.
Nikeifer Kotanko.