Lovers Lane at The Langford Station
Valentine’s Day lovers, mark your calendars for the Valentine’s Day Craft Market at Langford Station! Join us on Lovers Lane for a unique shopping experience filled with handmade arts and crafts, perfect for Valentine’s Day. Our vendors specialize in a variety of arts and crafts, including Valentine’s Day-themed items. Not only can you shop for unique gifts, but you can also participate in DIY activities and craft goodie making. To top it off, indulge in craft cocktails from Castle’s Ginery and delicious food from local food trucks.
Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind craft market, it’s the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day with your loved one or family.
West Shore Parks and Rec will be offering drop-in kids crafting in the Creation Station.
Julie’s Delights Chocolates is hosting an Art of Tempering Chocolate class at 1pm. Learn more and sign up here: Events (juliedelights.ca)
Vendors include:
Mermaid’s Hideaway Vintage @mermaidshideawaycr
Cry Baby @crybaby_workroom
Brooklyn Jade Designs @Brooklynjadedesigns_
Bath and Bombs @bomb_n_baths
Beeautiful Planet @beeautifulplanet
Cascadia Collective @cascadiacollectiveandco
Cedar and Safflower @cedarandsafflower
Burgeon Baby@burgeon.baby
Han Dyed Apparel @han.dyedapparel
Lit Soy Candles @litsoycandles
Azariah Designs @azariahdesigns
Cool Kids on the Block @coolkids.on.theblock
Whims and Violet @whimsandviolet
Boxwood Flower Farm @boxwoodflowerfarm
Crunch Co Treats @crunchcotreats
Juan De Fuca Cookie Co @juandefucacookies
Trees to Tales @treestotales
Nicole McKenna Tarot @nicoletmckenna
La Pasta Triestina @lapastatriestina
Libraandlou Macrame @libraandlou
Kisses to Go Tea @kissestogoteaco
Castle’s Ginery @castles.ginery
Food Trucks Include:
Greek on the Street @Greekonthestreetyyj
MorningStar Coffee @morningstarcoffeesl
Bglutenfreevictoria @bglutenfreevictoria
Country Crepes @countrycrepes2017
The Hot Dog Guys @TheHotDogGuysCart
Candytime Victoria @candytimevictoria
And, of course, the resident vendors will all be open!
Art by Deb @artbydebvanhattemkoff
Beth Partridge @bethpartridge and Maureen Elmer @maureen_elmer
Buddha Bear Letterpress @buddhabearpress
Bull & Sons @_bull_and_sons_deli_
Cutouts Canada @cutoutscanada
Hannmade Designs @hannmade21
Julie’s Delights Chocolates @juliedelightschocolates
Lillian Hutson Designs Inc @lhdbathxxbeauty
Margaux b. Pottery @margauxbpottery
MOTHER.lifestyle @mother.lifestyle
The Spinnacle Fibre Arts @thespinnacle
Way Cool Goods @waycoolgoods