Repair Café West Shore
A ReImagine West Shore community collaboration with the Langford Residents Association.
What do you do with a broken toaster? Or a bike wheel that’s out of alignment … and what about a sweater full of moth holes? Toss it? No way! Bring them to the Repair Café, where our fantastic volunteer repair team can assess and more than likely help you get your item repaired. And for those who want to give DIY a try, there will be tools and materials on hand for you to work on fixing some things yourself!
Got the tools and some time? If you’re a Handy Superhero like our mascot Reggie the Wrench Guy, we’d love to have you join our righteous repair quest. Repair Café ReImagine West Shore could use more handy volunteers and we’re looking for local residents with different skills who can serve as repair experts during our Repair Café meetings. Check out our Call to Handyfolk and let us know if you can lend us a hand at an upcoming Repair Café!
Join us February 22 from 11:00AM-3:00PM and again on September 27 from 11:00AM-3:00PM