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Take the 2025 City of Langford Budget Survey

The City of Langford’s 2025 budget survey is now live on LetsChatLangford. This is one of many opportunities for you to provide valuable input on how your tax dollars are spent and help shape the services and programs provided to the community. Your feedback is one of several important considerations Council will use to guide their decisions for the 2025 budget and beyond. A schedule of budget related meetings is posted on the City website, and on the project page.

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Sacred Heart Journey: Cacao & Sound Bath

Join us for an immersive journey of healing and self-discovery as The Hermit’s Path and Rainbow Vibrations come together to present a unique collaborative event. Embark on a sacred odyssey as we commence with a sage circle opening, setting the stage for an evening of deep connection and transformation. Delight your senses with a cacao ceremony, inviting the rich flavors and nourishing properties of this sacred plant medicine to uplift and energize your spirit. Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of a profound sound bath led by Alyria, a skilled sound healer and Reiki Master. Experience the harmonious melodies of crystal singing bowls and natural instruments as they wash over you, guiding you into a state of profound relaxation and inner peace. Throughout the evening, Alyria will weave in mantras and mudras, allowing you to deepen your meditation practice and connect with the subtle energies within. Wear comfortable clothing and bring along your yoga mat, as well as any additional comforts such as blankets and pillows, and your favourite mug for the cacao event to fully immerse yourself in this blissful journey of healing and renewal. Join us for an unforgettable experience of serenity, self-discovery, and soulful connection. All are welcome to join this transformative gathering.

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Apr 29 2024


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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The Langford Station
720 Station Avenue


The Hermit's Path
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