Before submitting a Freedom of Information request, check to see if the records you are seeking are publicly available on the City of Langford website, or check with the department that you feel holds the records to see if they are routinely releasable. If you are seeking property records, please visit the Property Records request page.
Publicly available records
The following are examples of records that are publicly available on the City of Langford website:
In lieu of comfort letters, the City provides responsive letters by request only, not opinions or advice with respect to any property. To obtain this information, please email . Please send all questions, regardless of which department will respond, in one letter (including the Fire Department). Due to the type of questions asked, several departments may be involved in preparing the responses; therefore, they may take up to four weeks to prepare. Please make your request clear, and specific. The cost is $126 (no tax) which is payable at the time of the request, prior to processing.
Payment can be made in person at City Hall during business hours via cash, debit or cheque (made payable to the ‘City of Langford’), or alternatively a cheque can be mailed to City Hall located on the 2nd floor at 877 Goldstream Avenue, Langford, BC V9B 2X8.
Records that are in control or custody of the City of Langford, that do not contain personal and/or sensitive information, can be requested verbally or in writing to the appropriate department. Examples of routinely releasable records include general information pertaining to permits, licenses, policies, and procedures.
British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIPPA”) gives individuals the right to access records that are in the control or custody of public bodies. Release of information is subject to exceptions outlined in Division 2 of FOIPPA, such as protection of personal privacy. Requests for records that contain sensitive and/or personal information are handled in accordance with FOIPPA.
Please make your request clear, specific, and concise to reduce processing times and possible fees. Indicate in your request the date range for the records you are seeking (remember, municipal records can go back several decades). If you are requesting records on behalf of another individual, please include their authorization to do so by completing an Authorization for Release of Information and Records form.
Please submit FOI requests by email, or in writing:
In Writing: Attn: FOI Coordinator City of Langford 2nd Floor, 877 Goldstream Avenue Langford, BC, V9B 2X8
After submitting your request, the City of Langford’s FOI Coordinator will send an acknowledgement letter confirming receipt of your request, any associated fees, and when you can expect to receive the requested information by. The Coordinator may also be in touch to clarify the scope of your request.
Records in the custody or control of another public body, including the RCMP, must be obtained directly from that public body.
The Act requires us to respond to your FOI request within 30 business days of receiving it (we may extend this time if your request is complex). The Act allows us to withhold information if release would be an invasion of privacy or cause harm by one of the means listed in the Act, such as harming a law enforcement investigation or threatening anyone’s health or safety. If we deny you access to any record or part of a record, you have the right to ask for a review by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia, an Officer of the Legislature who is independent of Local Government.
As per the City’s “Freedom of Information Bylaw No. 1925, 2020” there is an application fee of $10.00 for all Freedom of Information requests. This is in accordance with British Columbia Regulation 155/2012. The application fee must be paid prior to the City actioning your request.
Under Section 75 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act the City may charge additional fees for the costs of providing applicants with records. Additional fees such as photocopying and shipping also apply. If there are costs involved in processing a formal request, we will send you a fee estimate before processing your application.
Payment can be made in person at City Hall during regular business hours via cash, debit or cheque; or by mailing a cheque or money order made out to the “City of Langford” to the attention of Christina Bell, Freedom of Information Coordinator. Please note your FOI number when submitting payment.