City of Langford Launches its First Council Strategic Plan

(Langford, B.C.) – On Thursday September 21, 2023, the City of Langford launched its first 2023-2027 Draft Council Strategic Plan. Developed over the past months, the draft Plan articulates Council’s vision and values, and sets bold objectives that will guide the City in addressing the urgent challenges related to continued growth in population, public health, housing unaffordability, increasing infrastructure costs, social inequity and climate change. The Council Strategic Plan is centred around six strategic priority areas, and individual objectives in each of those areas. For each objective, the Plan sets out an estimated timeline and whether the planned work is currently funded or will be funded in future budgets.
The Plan also recognizes the City’s important role as an advocate for those critical services beyond a typical local government mandate, including health care, transportation, housing, and education, and commits to proactively supporting partners doing this critical work for the community. In developing the Plan, it was clear that Langford, like so many communities across Canada, is facing a diverse and complex set of crises so immense that they require the entire community to define a shared set of goals and to continually come together to address these crises. With this in mind, Council welcomes input from the public on the 2023-2027 Draft Council Strategic Plan to ensure that the diverse needs of all citizens are heard.
A copy of the 2023-2027 Draft Council Strategic Plan is available at The public will have the opportunity to provide input through an online survey, and in-person at a series of public engagement sessions listed here.
City of Langford Council will consider approval of the Council Strategic Plan at the October 23, 2023 Council meeting.
City of Langford
Donna Petrie
Senior Manager Communications & Economic Development