YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island: 1st Cook
1st Cook YMCA-YWCA Outdoor Centre / Camp Thunderbird (Sooke, BC)
Vacancies: 1
Classification: Casual (seasonal).
Placement: Immediate to September 2023
Wage Rate: $22.00 – $28.00 per hour (commensurate with experience)
Hours: Up to 40 hours per week.
Nature and Scope:
The 1st Cook provides excellence in leadership and support required for the operation in one of BC’s busiest YMCA-YWCA residential camps. Reporting to the Food Services Coordinator, the 1st Cook will support the menu planning, ordering, food preparation and staff supervision for our Food Services department during the Summer Camp and Outdoor Education seasons. This position will provide excellent customer service to all clients and families, school-based programs, and rental groups. This position will include food service for up to 150 people, supervising and supporting 2-4 staff members and ensuring a clean food preparation area.
Please visit https://vancouverislandy.com/get-involved/employment-opportunities/ for more information