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Take the 2025 City of Langford Budget Survey

The City of Langford’s 2025 budget survey is now live on LetsChatLangford. This is one of many opportunities for you to provide valuable input on how your tax dollars are spent and help shape the services and programs provided to the community. Your feedback is one of several important considerations Council will use to guide their decisions for the 2025 budget and beyond. A schedule of budget related meetings is posted on the City website, and on the project page.

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YMCA YWCA of Vancouver Island

YMCA YWCA of Vancouver Island: VP, Fund Development and Communications

Employment Type:
$90,000 to $110,000 / year
Posted Date:
March 19, 2024
Closing Date:
April 1, 2024
How to Apply:
Job Descripton:

Reports to: Chief Executive Officer
Base Salary: $90,000 to $110,000
Location: Langford, BC (position is in-person)

The Vice President, Fund Development and Communications will foster a culture of philanthropy and engagement across the organization. They will be responsible for creating strategies, leading implementation efforts, managing relationships, and overseeing relevant organizational systems. Success in this role will help inspire new contributions, encourage deeper connections, advocate for positive change and inform a diverse set of stakeholders to position the Y as a place where healthy people come together and build strong communities.

This newly created position serves as a member of the Senior Executive team, directly contributing to
our overall success at YMCA YWCA of Vancouver Island and helping define an important future as one of
the largest operating charities in this region.

The leader in this role will bring expertise, discipline and innovation with high levels of emotional intelligence and cultural competence and show a strong commitment to service reflecting the Y values of caring, respect, honesty, responsibility, and inclusiveness.

Our organization operates health, fitness & aquatics facilities, childcare center’s, a 1200 acre outdoor wilderness area (Camp Thunderbird), housing and life skills support for youth (Y’s Young Moms and Pandora Youth Apartments), employment services and mental health programs (Discover ECE and Y Mind), and a variety of activities categorized under healthy living, youth learning and leadership development.

Building on the strength and capacity from our unique membership in both YMCA and YWCA National Federations, it will be necessary to apply best practices in storytelling, measured analytics, collaboration, listening and learning, anticipating and adapting to change.

We offer a competitive cost shared group benefits package with our matching contribution pension plan
and an individual Y membership.

Additional information about the organization is available on our website at

Fund Development
• Develop, oversee and measure shorter term and long term fund development plans and goals that include campaigns and targeted cases for support, multiple sources of funds and strategies for donor engagement not limited to individual giving, major gifts, legacy plans or sponsorship.
• Support grant applications, government relations and advocacy efforts to address organizational objectives and mobilize additional resources including application of CRM systems and liaison with staff, contractors, volunteers, or strategic partners, subject to resource availability.

Marketing & Communications
• Develop and implement comprehensive marketing and communications strategies through integrated channels to achieve organizational priorities and goals – including strengthening service delivery, promoting offerings, generating revenues, attracting staff and volunteers, raising funds and increasing community engagement.
• Serve internal stakeholders in the development and oversight of key messaging, media relations or promotional activities, including electronic and online digital media, as well as direct advertising, print and displayed materials, events, activities, reports or presentations.

Strategy, Planning and Community Engagement
• Participate in regular planning and information sharing, including budget oversight, both divisionally and as part of the Senior Executive team
• Liaise with other community organizations or partners, and with National YMCA and YWCA Federations (or with regional efforts among Y’s) to support collaborative opportunities, maintain brand standards and share best practices or advocacy that could be applied at our organization.

Leadership, Supervisory and Fiduciary Risk Management
• Directly supervise employees and volunteers and provide coaching, feedback or additional support as necessary to encourage strong performance.
• Ensure policies, procedures and organizational standards in place are consistently followed and make any recommendations for improvements or changes to reflect best practices in fundraising and current legislative or regulatory compliance, including CRA requirements.

• Education / Certification: Post-secondary degree and/or advanced training in business, marketing, communications or fund development, preferred CFRE designation or equivalent
• Experience: Minimum 5 years of complex operational leadership, including…
o Management and supervisory roles with specific experience in the charitable sector supporting successful fund development efforts and stewarding donor relationships.
o Proven capacity in communications and marketing, developing and implementing plans, writing and design experience with targeted audiences, digital tools and social media.
o Well-developed analytical and planning skills and initiative to provide advice, solve problems and implement improvements to systems or practices across an organization.
o Proven ability to engage with empathy and cultural sensitivity, including experience promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
• Candidates must meet BC Society Act requirements for a Senior Manager. All Y employees are required to maintain a clean criminal record check with a vulnerable sector clearance, as well as confirming annual compliance with our Child Protection protocols and organizational policies.

To Apply: Please send a cover letter and resume to:
Human Resources, YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island

Please Note:
Short-listing will begin April 30th, 2024.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Only short- listed applicants will be contacted.

The YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island is an equal opportunity employer.

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