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Langford Residents Flock to Tree-Planting on Earth Day

Langford Residents Flock to Tree-Planting on Earth Day

by Mary P Brooke | Island Social Trends

Many happy family moments happened at Willing Park in Langford today, around the activity of planting trees on Earth Day.

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Family tree planting at Willing Park in Langford on Earth Day 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The newly sodded open-space park area (approximately 3,380 sq m or 36,382 sq ft) now has new trees planted around its perimeter, thanks to the helping hands of Langford residents including many parent-and-children teams.

Over 100 people — residents and staff — were active in the park.

The new grass was long and wet today, but rainfall held off during the three-hour event which started mid-morning and ran through the noon hour.

Today’s event was ably organized by City of Langford Parks staff who pre-dug most of the large holes required for the larger trees.

Trees were supplied by Green Thumb Nurseries. That included 3,000 small sapplings.

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Langford Parks, Recreation & Facilities staff on hand at Earth Day 2023 in Willing Park (from left): Tara McLellan, Wolfgang Schoenefuhs, and Manager Yari Nielsen. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Staff had pre-planned the locations of the trees to allow for their eventual increase in size and amount of shade they would provide as a canopy to the field, and in which directions.

The park is surrounded by the natural-wooded area of Bilston Creek. New housing development is not too far beyond. Willing Park includes a fenced-in off-leash dog area.

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Off-leash fenced dog park within Willing Park in Langford, April 22, 2023. [Island Social Trends]

The larger trees planted today included dogwood, fir and spruce. A sloped area next to the natural wooded area also received new plantings of smaller sappling approximately 12 to 18 inches tall.

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Some serious Earth Day tree planting by City of Langford Parks staff and community helpers, April 22, 2023 at Willing Park. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]
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Planting a dogwood tree in Willing Park on Earth Day 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]
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An Earth Day moment. [Island Social Trends]

Political interest:

Excitement was high, there was plenty of photo-taking, enjoyment of coffee and treats, and chit-chat with the Langford Councillors who attended including Colby Harder, Kimberely Guiry, Mark Morley, Mary J Wagner, and Keith Yacucha.

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City of Langford Councillor Mary J Wagner and her daughter Robbie planting a tree in Willing Park on Earth Day, April 22, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Metchosin Mayor Marie-Térèse Little was there with an interest in the removal of invasive foliage along the Bilston Creek that supplies the watershed for the broader region.

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Volunteers removing invasive plant species from the Bilston Creek watershed area in Langford on Earth Day, April 22, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

Gear in tow:

Participants were encouraged to walk, cycle or roll to the event but most drove, as families brought along their own shovels and other gear for the intensive digging event today. Shovels and gloves were also provided for use on site.

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Small evergreen seedlings were given away to Earth Day helpers at Willing Park in Langford, April 22, 2023. [Mary P Brooke / Island Social Trends]

The take-home goodies were small 6-to-12-inch seedlings of hemlock, fir and cedar.

Goldstream Bikes provided e-bike demonstrations. Origin Bakery provided refreshments.

About City of Langford Parks Dept:

City of Langford’s Parks and Recreation Department is mandated with overseeing the planning, development and maintenance coordination of parks, trails and recreational facilities integral to the beautification and livability of the community.

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Soil into wheelbarrows for use in tree-planting at Willing Park in Langford, April 22, 2023. [Island Social Trends]

The department focuses the City’s future park and recreational needs and makes them a reality. Residents of Langford need only to look at their public open spaces to see the creativity and experience of Langford’s Parks and Recreation Department.

Much of the department’s duties and time involve Capital projects such as Glen Lake Park, upgrading the Langford Lake Aerator and City Centre Park, an International Northwest Parks and Recreation Association award winner for innovative design. The day-to-day operations and maintenance of park infrastructure occupies the rest of the department’s resources and is crucial to the longevity and safety of Langford’s facilities.

willing park, map, langford
Willing Park is on Wild Ridge Way (off Happy Valley Road) in Langford, BC. [Google map]
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