Canada Post is now formally recognizing Langford in mailing addresses, instead of Victoria. They have updated their address database and Langford mailing addresses will be active with Canada Post on June 19, 2023.

You may wish to notify your mailers of your new mailing address so that they may update their records. However, you do not need to take any action. Please be assured that mail and parcels bearing your old municipal mailing address will be automatically redirected. Further, there will be no change to your postal code or street address as a result of this change. Businesses are encouraged to update their websites and Google business listing to display as Langford.

Residents and businesses will receive a letter from Canada Post advising them of the change. If you have any questions, please call Canada Post’s Customer Service team at 1-866-607-6301.

good-to-knows for Langford residents and businesses

  • Canada Post will be sending a letter to residents and businesses advising you to update your address with utilities, billers, banking institutions, etc.
  • Residents will also be able to update their address with ICBC when they renew their drivers license
  • Those receiving mail with “Victoria” as the city, will still be successfully delivered as Victoria will now be listed as a secondary city in the Canada Post database
  • No mail will be disrupted or lost due to this transition
  • Businesses are not required to update their corporate and legal documents with Langford noted as the City, however they can if they wish
  • Businesses are encouraged to update their websites and Google business listing to display as Langford

Questions? Please Contact Canada Post


Personal: 1-866-607-6301
Business: 1-877-376-1212