(Langford, B.C.) – Early last evening, 877 Goldstream, which also includes City Hall, experienced a flooding event due to a burst pipe in the attic above the third floor.
The incident caused significant damage to a large section of the building, including other privately owned units and businesses that are part of the strata property.
“It is important for the public to know that many City operations have been unaffected by the flooding. Despite City Hall being closed today for in-person service, staff across most departments continue to serve the public as they would on any given day”, said Scott Goodmanson, Mayor of Langford. “On behalf of Council, I would like to express my support for the other affected businesses and thank all those who showed up to take immediate action and plan for next steps.”
Within the City Hall, the Finance, Administration, and Planning departments have been the most affected and as a result, City Hall remains closed for today. Efforts are underway to set up a temporary reception area on the first floor, in an unaffected part of the building. The City is hopeful that residents, business owners, and developers can receive in-person front counter service as soon as possible.
The City notes this temporary closure does not affect the property tax deadline of July 2, 2024. Residents are encouraged to utilize alternate payment options such as online banking, in-person at banks, credit card, after-hours drop box at City Hall, or by mail.
Residents are advised to check the City website and Facebook for regular updates.
City of Langford
Harriet D’Costa, Communications Advisor