Below you will find information about the water and sewer systems in the City of Langford.
Sewer connection
As per Bylaw No. 1600, any Langford property adjacent to an existing sewer main must connect to the sewer system within one year of the Sewer Main Completion Date.
Council has enabled mandatory connection to ensure the long-term viability of the City’s sewer infrastructure. The City sewer system is maintained according to established standards, ensuring the health and safety of residents and the environment.
Sewer Connection Steps
Corix|West Shore Environmental Services (WSES) operates and maintains the City of Langford’s sewer system. Before connecting to the sewer system, please review the following steps:
- Complete a sewer application at Corix|West Shore Environmental Services(WSES) and pay the appropriate fees after which WSES will issue a SewerAuthorization form.
- Choose a qualified contractor who will connect your property to the sewerservice provided at your property line.
- With the Sewer Authorization form in hand, you or your contractor can obtaina plumbing permit from the City of Langford for a nominal fee of approximately$60.00, not including any refundable damage deposit.
- After your contractor completes the sewer connection, the connection will beinspected by the City of Langford. All on-site works are to be constructed to theBC Plumbing Code and any applicable bylaws or regulations.
Financial Assistance
If you require financing and are unable to secure it through a financial institution, the City of Langford may be able to assist. Please note that financing is only available for the Sewer Capital Recovery Fee (SCRF) payable to Corix|West Shore Environmental Services (WSES).
In order to qualify for financial assistance from the City of Langford, you must meet the following criteria:
- The property in question must be a residential property and your primary residence
- Your household income falls between $41,006 and $72,012; and
- You have been unsuccessful at securing financing through a financial institution and can provide rejection letter(s).
If approved, the City will then pay the Sewer Connection Recovery Fee (SCRF) to WSES on your behalf. Over a ten year period, the City will then collect from you (the property owner) the fees paid on your behalf plus interest at prime rate plus 2%.
For more information, please contact the City of Langford’s Finance Department
Financial Hardship Exemption
If your household income is below $41,006, you are then eligible to apply for a five-year exemption of payment of all connection fees and physical connection to the sewer system. If after the five-year period your household income remains below the applicable low-income threshold, you must then apply for financial assistance (see Financial Assistance section) and connect your property to the sewer system. For more information, please contact the City of Langford’s Finance Department
Sewer extension projects
Please see our Infrastructure Projects page for more information on current sewer extension projects.
For sewer connection information please contact West Shore Environmental Services (WSES) at: 250-478-2187.