
The Capital Regional District’s (CRD) Infrastructure Operations division operates the drinking water system in Langford and across the region. For more information, please call (250) 474-9600.

Learn more


The Langford sewer system is owned, built, operated and maintained by West Shore Environmental Services (WSES). For more information, please call (250) 478-2187.

Visit the WSES Website

Sewer connection

As per Bylaw No. 1600, the City of Langford has enacted mandatory sewer connection to ensure the long-term viability of the sewer system. Any property that was adjacent to a sewer main should have connected by December 31, 2019.

If a recent sewer main extension means that a property is now adjacent, the property owner has one year from the extension completion date in which to connect to the sewer main. In such cases, the property owner should have received a letter informing them that they are now able to connect to sewer and the date by which they need to do so.

For more information, you can download the brochure here.

If you qualify for deferment of sewer connection, please complete the Sewer Deferral Application Form and return it to Langford City Hall in-person or by email at .

If you have further questions regarding sewer connection or financial assistance options, please contact the City at (250) 478-7882, or .

Sewer extension projects

Please see our Infrastructure Projects page for more information on current sewer extension projects.

For sewer connection information please contact West Shore Environmental Services (WSES) at: 250-478-2187.