Danbrook Dog Park is located in the 2700 block of Claude Road.  Access can be gained from the parking lot along Claude or from the west end of Danbrook Avenue.  There is plenty of parking and the hours are Dawn to Dusk.  Dogs are permitted off leash and doggy waste bags are available.


Our COVID-19 Regulations

Play it safe and observe the following:

Keep at least two meter (six feet) away from people from other households

Wash hands thoroughly and frequently and use your own hand sanitizer.

Avoid touching your face

Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.

Limit use at busy times, don’t create a crowd

Don’t share equipment, water bottles, snacks.

Stay home if feeling unwell, NO exceptions.

The City asks that you come prepared with your own hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant wipes, and maintain safe physical distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet).