The Westshore Massage Therapy Clinic opened in 1999 and is conveniently located in central Langford 15 minutes from downtown Victoria. The clinic offers a modern, open, and relaxing space to receive therapeutic and relaxation massage with registered massage therapists (RMT’s)


get in touch

110-751 Goldstream Avenue, Langford, BC V9B 2X4

Our COVID-19 Regulations

We are excited to announce we are re-opening June 1st and look forward to welcoming you back to our clinic!

As regulated health care professionals, we are required to follow the guidelines of our regulatory body, the Ministry of Health and the Public health officer Dr. Henry in implementing a clinic re-start plan.  A visit to our office will be a slightly different experience.

To learn more about the measures we have put in place in order to welcome our clients back to our clinic, click on the link below.