The City of Langford Ranked #3 Best City for Work in BC

The City of Langford has been ranked the #3 best City for work in British Columbia by BC
Business Magazine based on 2023 statistics. The ranking, up from #8 in 2022, considered many factors, including economic diversity, five-year population growth, household financial vulnerability, resident sense of belonging, residential GHG emissions, rental vacancy rate, residential sales, housing starts, change in jobs and annual unemployment rate. The research was conducted by Environics Analytics.
The annual ranking reported on 50 of the province’s largest communities. As part of the City’s first ever Strategic Plan, Langford Council identified economic development as a strategic priority. This year staff will work to develop a robust economic development plan which will involve engagement with Langford businesses and residents.
“Council recognizes the importance of economic development and supporting local businesses that make up the city’s diverse and resilient economy that we are all so proud of.” said Langford Mayor Scott Goodmanson. “Council remains committed to expanding the economic base to reduce the need for Langford residents to commute outside of the city for work.”
Langford enjoys a resilient and economically diverse economy. To sustain and enhance this vitality, the City will develop a robust economic development plan that sets out specific goals to retain existing businesses, attract new ones, and in cooperation with partners, grow and diversify employment opportunities, all in a way that mitigates harm to the environment and contributes to sustainable development. The opening of a downtown post-secondary campus will revitalize the downtown core in many ways, will enable the City to better attract and retain talent, and will contribute to Langford’s sustained economic vibrancy.
Dale Wheeldon, President and CEO of the BC Economic Development Association, congratulated Langford for securing the prestigious 3rd spot as the best city for work in BC. “This achievement speaks volumes about Langford’s commitment to fostering economic growth and prosperity for its residents,” Wheeldon remarked. “In a landscape where housing affordability remains a critical issue, Langford stands out for its efforts to address this challenge while maintaining income growth, robust housing starts, business and job creation, and
more. This recognition underscores Langford’s resilience and vision, setting a benchmark for other communities.”