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Take the 2025 City of Langford Budget Survey

The City of Langford’s 2025 budget survey is now live on LetsChatLangford. This is one of many opportunities for you to provide valuable input on how your tax dollars are spent and help shape the services and programs provided to the community. Your feedback is one of several important considerations Council will use to guide their decisions for the 2025 budget and beyond. A schedule of budget related meetings is posted on the City website, and on the project page.

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Paid-On-Call Firefighters

Fire Rescue
Employment Type:
Scheduled 12-hour shifts + On-Call
$25.00 per hour
Posted Date:
August 16, 2024
Closing Date:
September 20, 2024 12:00 pm
Last Updated Date:
August 16, 2024 8:40 AM
Job Descripton:


Are you pursuing a career in the fire service and need hands-on firefighting experience to give yourself an edge in recruitments? Would you like to be part of a dynamic, fast-paced, award-winning local government organization while you gain that experience? If so, have we got the opportunity for you!

Langford Fire Rescue is currently accepting applications for our Paid-on-Call (POC) Firefighter program. Our unique program is tailored to applicants pursuing a career in firefighting but need hands-on experience to increase their chances of success. As a POC Firefighter you will service the City of Langford and our residents and visitors by working alongside our career Firefighters at emergency incidents. You will be required to complete twelve-hour shifts at the fire station at least three times per month. These shifts are where you will enhance your firefighting skills, get a chance to network with career members, and learn more about the trade of a career firefighter.

We pride ourselves not only in our responsibility to our community’s safety, but also the welfare of those within and beyond our city limits. We provide a broad range of services including fire suppression, fire prevention and education, emergency first responder, and both high angle rope and water rescue. As a full-service fire department, this is your chance to get your feet wet attending a large variety of calls and to get dedicated time to focus on increasing your skills.

Still not convinced? Our department is growing! To meet the needs of our expanding community, the City anticipates the addition of several career firefighter positions in the future. Joining our POC Firefighter program is a great way to get your foot in the door, one step closer to that career position you’ve been dreaming of.

If this sounds like your calling to serve, we invite you to apply!


Candidates must:

  • Be 19 years of age or older, in good health and physical condition
  • Hold an NFPA 1001 Firefighter Level II certification
  • Have a valid Class 3 BC Drivers License with air endorsement
  • Have a Grade 12 education or GED
  • Be able to participate in three (3) 12-hour stipend shifts (overnights or weekends) per month


Candidates who are successful through the recruitment process will be required to successfully complete the UVic Fire Fit test, an NFPA 1582 compliant medical exam, and a Police Information Check prior to full offers to join the Langford Fire Rescue team. These are not required as part of the application process.

Please submit your resume, NFPA 1001 Level II certification, and a current drivers abstract by e-mail to (identify the position you are applying for in the subject line of your e-mail). Applications will be accepted until noon on September 20, 2024.

We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected to move forward in the process will be contacted.


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