City of Langford launches 2025 budget survey

January 21, 2025
(Langford, B.C.) – At the January 20, 2025, Committee of the Whole meeting, the City of Langford began the 2025 budget process. At the meeting, staff presented the budget timeline, an overview of the budget and property tax process, and a review of significant budget pressures in 2025. As part of the many upcoming public input opportunities, the City announced the launch of a budget survey, now live on the Let’s Chat Langford engagement platform. This represents the first time a survey has been conducted as part of the budget process and is in keeping with Council’s commitment to meaningful community engagement.
Every year, the City of Langford adopts a Five-year Financial Plan (budget), as required by Provincial Legislation. This plan reflects Council’s fiscal priorities and the complexity of maintaining and improving services for a rapidly growing city. The 2025-2029 Proposed Five Year Financial Plan will be made available to the public at the February 20, 2025, Committee of the Whole meeting.
The City acknowledges the importance of meaningful public participation and transparency in the annual budget process. In line with Council’s strategic priority of good governance, the City has enhanced the budget process to increase transparency and participation in budget related decision-making. In keeping with this commitment, last year, the City presented the 2024–2028 Five Year Financial Plan in an updated and user-friendly format.
“This is the first ever budget survey conducted by the City. I encourage every member of the community to participate by sharing their thoughts with Council. Community feedback is invaluable and will contribute to shaping the services and programs that truly benefit our community,” said Scott Goodmanson, Mayor of Langford.
The budget survey will remain open until the end of the day on February 9, 2025. The results of this survey will be presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on February 20, 2025. The City encourages the community to participate in the survey, as it is one of the considerations for Council when approving a budget that reflects the community’s priorities and values.
For a full list of 2025 budget meetings, and how to participate please visit:
Donna Petrie, Senior Manager, Communications and Economic Development
Phone: 250-478-7882 | Email: