City of Langford takes proactive steps to protect staff and the public

Out of an abundance of caution, and in response to unacceptable behaviour by some members of the public, the City of Langford has issued the following notice (below) on its website and has requested the attendance of two RCMP officers at tonight’s Council meeting. The City believes these measures are regrettable but necessary.
The City has statutory obligations under the Workers Compensation Act, as well as pursuant to the Respectful Workplace Policy, City of Langford Violence Prevention Program, and Council Procedure Bylaw No. 1971, to protect the physical and psychological safety of staff and members of the public during public meetings. Recent feedback from some members of staff indicates increasing concerns for their personal safety.
Across British Columbia and throughout the country, local governments are being compelled to take proactive measures such as these to protect staff and members of the public from physical threats and verbal assaults, which can hinder the expression of all voices during Council meetings. It is regrettable that these steps are necessary, as the City actively encourages the sharing of diverse views. However, some members of the public have chosen to express their views in a manner that cannot and must not continue.
While it is important to ensure everyone has a voice, it is equally important to safeguard the democratic process and the ability of citizens to participate freely without fear of retaliation from those with opposing views.
In addition to public reminders, the City has taken other steps to support staff who have expressed concerns for their physical and emotional safety after recent Council meetings. The City reminds residents that participation in Council meetings occur in person or online. Those who do not feel comfortable attending in person are reminded that participation is also available via phone or the Zoom App. Information on meeting schedules and dial-in details can be found at: Council & Committee Meetings – City of Langford.
Public Notice: A Reminder of Appropriate Conduct in Council Chambers
As a result of the recent inappropriate behavior, yelling, and outbursts from some members of the public during Council proceedings, members of the community have expressed that they do not feel safe attending in person or speaking to items during City Council meetings.
Council Chambers is a place of business. Council values input from all members of the public; however, name calling, yelling, heckling, or any other disruptive or aggressive behaviour which staff or other members of the public may find intimidating, will not be permitted.
The City will take all steps necessary to ensure that City Hall, including Council Chambers, is a safe working environment, and a safe place for all members of the community to attend.
Donna Petrie
Senior Manager of Communications & Economic Development