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(Langford, B.C.) – The City of Langford received a $400,000 grant to help prepare the community for wildfire season. The FireSmart Community Funding and Supports grant is part of the Province’s Community Resiliency Investment (CRI) Program and is administered by the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM).

The Langford Fire Department will utilize the funding to advance its comprehensive approach to reducing wildfire risks locally, with a strong focus on community engagement and public education. The grant will also continue to fund the FireSmart Coordinator position, tasked with further developing and expanding the FireSmart BC Program for the City of Langford.
“Langford’s first-ever Strategic Plan outlines a clear vision for six priority areas, including quality of life, with a key focus on public safety,” said Scott Goodmanson, Mayor of Langford. “This grant offers a great opportunity to bring the community together, to deploy FireSmart solutions collectively, and to ensure that we, as a community, are better prepared and more resilient in the face of wildfire seasons.”

FireSmart BC is dedicated to helping residents reduce their wildfire risk. By supporting local governments and First Nations with effective wildfire mitigation strategies. FireSmart BC’s strategic goal is to ensure all residents are aware of the program, understand their roles, accept responsibility, and take proactive steps to enhance wildfire resiliency.
British Columbia faces devastating wildfires every year, with increasing extreme wildfire behavior in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), where fires spread quickly from the forest to urban areas. This transition occurs as the wildfire consumes wildland fuel and then urban fuel such as homes.

“Wildland interface fires have been identified as a risk to Langford as the city is surrounded by forests,” says Fire Chief and Emergency Program Coordinator Chris Aubrey. “This grant will allow us to continue to build Langford into a resilient and FireSmart community and help mitigate the impacts of interface fires to keep residents safe.”

The grant will fund updating the City of Langford’s 2020 Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) to a Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP). This update aligns with the five-year update cycle required by FireSmart and represents the next generation of the CWPP.
The grant will support the City’s effort to increase community awareness and resilience against wildfires. When individuals, business owners, and the government work together, community wildfire risk can be significantly reduced.



  • Other key initiatives utilizing the grant amount within the funding period include:
  • Integrating wildfire prevention and preparedness education into community events, school presentations, and local park cleanups.
  • Extending outreach into higher-risk neighborhoods through public information sessions, curbside yard waste chipping days, and individual home assessments.
  • Collaborative initiatives with internal city departments, such as parks and planning, will focus on incorporating FireSmart principles into green spaces and integrating wildfire hazard considerations into development permits.
  • Continued representation in the Greater Victoria Community FireSmart Resiliency Committee, fostering collaboration with neighboring communities, and sharing best practices and resources to promote wildfire mitigation messaging and efforts throughout the region.


  • To learn more about the FireSmart program visit: Our Part. Your Part. | FireSmart BC


City of Langford
Donna Petrie, Senior Manager Communications & Economic Development
250-391-3403 |

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